Music theatre for young audiences
Giorgos Kouroupos
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The music fairy tale The Assembly of Animals with music by Giorgos Kouroupos and lyrics by Pericles Korovessis is performed by internationally acclaimed Greek baritone Tassis Christoyannis, accompanied on the piano by Nicolas Vassiliou. Animals are anxiously looking for a new leader. They create him themselves and, as all of them want him to represent them, each one offers him as a gift one of their properties. The result however is much different than what they expected. They create man and quickly regret it.The assembly of animals is a great landmark in Giorgos Kouroupos’ career as a composer, as it is a highly demanding work, with unique melodies, references to Debussy and a rare setting to music of recently departed Pericles Korovessis’ exceptionally popular children’s book. It is an ingenious fairy tale that speaks to children and adults in an almost political language about the important matters of life and human nature.
Tassis Christoyannis gives a totally new, personal interpretation to the work, with great theatricality and exceptional utterance. Aiming at speaking to the heart of the children of our time, the GNO commissioned Eirini Vianelli to create from scratch a new animation for this fairy tale, after her extraordinary work on The Emperor’s Nightingale.
Creative team – Cast
Λιμπρέτο Περικλής ΚοροβέσηςΣολίστ Τάσης Χριστογιαννόπουλος
Πιάνο Νίκος Βασιλείου
Animation Ειρήνη Βιανέλλη